Chisenhale Dance Space is on the second floor, accessed by a staircase only, and therefore, regrettably, is not wheelchair accessible.
The staircase to the lounge and two studios has 40 steps and an uninterrupted banister on the right-hand side. There are no steps or stairs once you are on studio level. We regret that the buzzer is too high to reach from most wheelchairs.
Our external fire exit is a straight line of 40 steps with a banister along both sides. Please get in touch if you need to use this exit to enter the building, or if you have any other access requirements.
CDS has two bathrooms, one with two cubicles, and the other with one cubicle and one urinal. Both are gender neutral.
Chisenhale Dance Space acknowledges the limitations of the building and would be happy to discuss any ways that we can help you access our activities. If you would like to talk to us please contact the office on 020 8981 6617 or write to us at:
Chisenhale Dance Space,
64-84 Chisenhale Road,
London, E3 5QZ
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