All the things that we can do, part 6 – workshop with Hamish MacPherson


Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 July, 10.30am – 5.30pm
Tickets: free for participants of previous workshops only, from

With Hamish MacPherson.

This is the last of six art/ life events for artists, philosophers and other citizens using choreographic strategies to engage with politics and citizenship through the body.

“… the discipline called art does not have a monopoly on creative composition. And the domain called politics does not have a monopoly on real existential change. There is no less an aesthetic side to politics than there is a political side to art. Practices we call doing politics and practices we call doing art are all integrally aesthetico-political, and every aesthetico-political activity is integrally speculative-pragmatic” Brian Massumi (2011) Semblance and Event p12-13

Practice may include anything covered in previous weeks. It will finish by opening out to a small invited audience.

Hamish MacPherson is a dance artist interested in connecting choreography to non-dance contexts, drawing on a background in applied philosophy and working as a senior policy adviser in the civil service.

This project is supported through Chisenhale Dance Space’s Allotment programme – nurturing projects where artists take the lead – and by Shoreditch Town Hall and the University of Roehampton.

For more information about the full series of events see: