Announcement: ACE Funding & Future Fridays 2020
We are thrilled to announce that Chisenhale Dance has been awarded £15,000 from Arts Council England National Lottery Project Grants to support a whole year of Member-led activity. The grant expands on existing support, and sets out to make Future Fridays and Coffee Mornings more diverse and accessible to CDS Members. The grant supports the following strands:
- Future Fridays at Chisenhale Dance – 9 nights across two seasons: April-June & Sept-Nov.
- ‘Chisenhale Futures’ performance – September 2020 at The Place, showcasing three works by Members.
- Residency for a Member of The Work Room – one week residency and Future Fridays performance in Spring 2020 (full details announced soon).
- Coffee Mornings – eight events across the year, with a new £100 honorarium for hosts.
- Access Funds – to support the needs of artists who are part of any of these programmes.
For more details about each opportunity, please see below.
Future Fridays at Chisenhale Dance
Future Fridays is our regular programme of new work led by Chisenhale Dance Members. We see it as a context where Members can take risks and share new ideas in front of a casual, supportive audience.
The work shown is usually either in the early stages of development, or on its first outing as a completed work. A Future Fridays night might be one long-form work, a double or triple bill, or an event with an unconventional format – anything goes, as long as it fits within 90 minutes!
Support from CDS includes:
- £200 guaranteed fee, with 70% box office share of income over this amount (after 2.5% fees)
- Access to Performance space and technician from 5pm-10pm on the day
- Front of house staffing, marketing support, and ticketing through our website
- Documentation by professional photographer and fixed camera filming
- Each artist will be interviewed about their work for CDS’ blog in advance of their event
The get-out should be completed by 10pm, through there can be flexibility if discussed in advance. Members are welcome to apply for additional ACE funding to support their performance.
How to Take Part
Future Fridays will form two seasons per year: from April-June and Sept-Nov. This could be a full evening of curated work, or a shorter work that could be paired with other Members.
As a member-led programme we are keen to enter a discussion about every idea, and aim to support as many artists as we can. The programme is facilitated by Marketing and Programme Coordinator, Es Morgan, in collaboration with Director, Daniel Pitt. With 9 evenings available in 2020, we are keen to prioritise:
- Experimental (unconventional) approaches, whether in relation to process, ideas, form or format
- Work that isn’t being shown elsewhere in London
- A diverse programme of artists, in line with active change-making across the organisation to better support Members of Colour.
If you have a project which you would like to be part of Future Fridays in 2020, please send the following information:
- Information about the work you’d like to present. The work needn’t be finished – just let us know your ideas, and where you’re at in your thinking.
- Which months you are available to perform. Future Fridays will happen from April to June and Sept to Nov.
- Whether you’d like to curate a whole evening, or be paired with someone else from the membership.
Please email: by Monday 6th January. We will be in touch to chat about each project during the first two weeks of January.
Chisenhale Futures at The Place
In September 2020, Chisenhale Dance will present a programme of three Member artists on The Place main stage, curated in line with our current process of change-making to better support Members of Colour.
Artists will be curated by a panel including The Place and Chisenhale Dance staff, to be announced in 2020.
Coffee Mornings
Coffee Mornings are a way in which dance/performance makers and doers can talk about the relationships between issues of production, public policy and the politics of the cultural industries and the artwork that they are making and doing.
Any artist can apply to run a Coffee Morning, and we see them as a good way for non-members to begin to engage with our community. There are funds to support eight Coffee Morning events throughout next year. Each artist/group hosting an event will receive a £100 honorarium towards their time, and CDS will provide Marketing Support and snacks on the day.
Coffee Mornings will continue to happen at Chisenhale Art Place on the ground floor, in order to make the events wheelchair accessible. For more info about Coffee Mornings, click here.
Access Funds
We have £1000 available to help make these opportunities more accessible to artists taking part. This could be related to disability, neurodiversity, child care, or something else. If you would like to talk about the fund please email Es Morgan as soon as you are able to: