Children’s Activity Pack – Encounter Bow
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In advance of Encounter Bow 2021, our outdoor arts day for the local community, we have put together a fun, free resource pack for kids!
These creative activities are suitable for children aged 5+ (with parental supervision), and have each been created by artists who are part of the programme. Some of them even give you a chance to have your art displayed as part of the day too!
Encounter Bow takes place on Saturday 12th June 2021. It is a surprising, interactive, playful day of art and discovery between Roman Road, Old Ford Road, and all the hidden spaces in between. Run by Chisenhale Dance Space and curated by Moi Tran, the free arts programme includes contemporary dance, live art, plant soundscapes, audio walks, balloon art, origami sculptures, book readings and more—for all ages!
This day is about community care, spaces of joy and the importance of sharing and archiving collective stories. We together decide, we can be the shape shifters of the stories we care for.
The full programme for Encounter Bow will be announced on 12th May, but in the meantime, please share and enjoy our Children’s Activity Pack.