Weekly on Mondays from 2nd September, 7.30pm-9pm

This weekly class is an opportunity to hone our performance and devising skills through the languages of movement, text, environment, architecture, improvisation, and interaction. It is a laboratory for experiment and practice for professional performers, students, AND folks who have never done any acting or dancing before.

Under the umbrellas of immersive, site-specific, dance, and theater morgaine will offer tools, exorcises, and pathways to feed your creativity both as a performer and creator. We will play with skills such as: dancing on/with furniture, working with props, lighting, partnering, gaining audience trust, creating one on one scenes, generating and performing written and spoken text, conversations with audience, generating movement phrases, and more. At the end of each session, we will create brief scenes/scenarios to perform for each other. Giving ourselves the space to try out our ideas and to take performative and creative risks.

* Important note – when booking through Eventbrite please make sure to select the correct date.