OPENLAB is a model for professional self-development for performers devised by Antonio de la Fe.


OPENLAB is a model for professional self-development for performers devised Antonio de la Fe. It hosts open sessions for anyone interested in a shared space for performance practice. In this way, OPENLAB could be understood as a co-working space for performers. At the same time, OPENLAB proposes a frame of work that revolves around a basic question: what does ‘to perform’ entail?

OPENLAB’s model is fluid: always changing, always open to dialogue within the group. OPENLAB sessions are developed by a constantly changing group of people. Any person can join the group at any time according to the personal needs and circumstances. Each member of the group may use these sessions the best way they suit them. Generally, the members of the group are artists interested in performance, movement, the body and in the actions the body can deploy as an artistic medium.

The OPENLAB sessions alternate between ‘White Canvas’ and ‘Facilitated OL’:

In the Spring Term, OPENLAB will continue alternating between ‘White Canvas’ sessions and ‘Facilitated OL‘ sessions.

White Canvas’ sessions don’t have an outspoken facilitator or pre-decided theme. However, we will aim to have a participant in the studio that will serve as an anchor for other participants who may feel they need it. Participants may still be responsible for their own time in the studio but they’ll have support from doing it with others and also the support from the anchor person. The possibility for ad lib exchange within the group is also always there. ‘White Canvas’ sessions are 2-hours long. 

Facilitated OL are sessions with a theme and a facilitator guiding the group throughout.

April – July 2018

Friday 23 March, 10am-12pm: A ‘White Canvas’

Friday 6 April, 10am-1pm – A ‘Facilitated OL’ with Danai Pappa: Mine, Yours, Theirs: Exchanging Movements

Friday 20 April, 10am-12pm – A ‘White Canvas

Friday 11 May, 10am-1pm – A ‘Facilitated OL’ with Carolyn Roy: Companions and Strangers

Friday 25 May, 10am-12pm – A ‘White Canvas

Friday 8 June, 10am-1pm – A ‘Facilitated OL’ with Galit Criden: The Primal Body

Friday 22 June, 10am-12pm – A ‘White Canvas

Friday 6 July,  10am-1pm – A ‘Facilitated OL‘ with Mira Hirtz: Explorations on the Suspicious Body


Previous Facilitated Sessions by Term:

September – December 2017

Sara Ruddock

Susanna Recchia

Charlie Ashwell

Misha Horacek

April – July 2017

Natalie Wearden and Katie Dale-Everett

Hannah Buckley

Paola Napolitano

Abi Clancey and Fuensanta Zambrana Ruiz

January -April 2017 

Paul Hughes and Rohanne Udall

Malik Nashad Sharpe

Rebecca D’Andrea and Vanessa Michielon:

Thom Wootton

Sessions can be facilitated by any participant of OPENLAB. If you’d like to facilitate one of these session send an e-mail to

Check out OPENLAB’s blog and Facebook page.