Making an EXIT – Full Schedule Announced

Making an EXIT

Fri 29th - Sat 30th March
8am - 8am | Performance Studio

£15  Standard Ticket
£20 with one breakfast
£24 with two breakfasts
Book Online / Download Programme


From the morning of March 29th until the morning of March 30th, a twenty-four-hour celebration of the arts will mark our planned exit from the EU.

Whatever happens, Making an EXIT will chart a unique, unrepeatable journey through performance at Chisenhale Dance Space. We invite you to come explore what it means to be apart together and discover what matters most as we face the unknown. This marathon of art will open and close with a breakfast, framing twenty-four hours of history. Join us and feast your senses on twenty-four encounters, provocations, events, and surprises in between these ceremonial gatherings.

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