OPENLAB Season 8 – Spring 2020

OPENLAB is taking a break in December. The sessions will be back in January with a new line-up of facilitators for the Spring Term at Chisenhale Dance Space from Friday 10 January to Friday 27 March.

This term the sessions will alternate between three sessions with a common theme: OPENLAB with anthologyofamess, and three  Facilitated OPENLAB sessions, each one by a different artist and with a different theme.

This is the Spring Term’s line-up for your diaries:

Friday 10 January – An OPENLAB with anthologyofamess from 10 am to 12 pm:
General Waste I.

Friday 31 January – A Facilitated OPENLAB with Tania Soubry from 10 am to 1 pm:
sounding the body-landscape.

Friday 14 Febrero – An OPENLAB with anthologyofamess from 10 am to 1 pm:
General Waste II.

Friday 28 Febrero – A Facilitated OPENLAB with Lola Maury from 10 am to 1 pm:
Tuning Journeys and Organ-isms.

Friday 13 March – A OPENLAB with anthologyofamessfrom 10 am to 1 pm:
General Waste III.

Friday 27 March – A Facilitated OPENLAB with Nikita De Martin from 10 am to 1 pm:
Body Area Code.

(Please, note that the Facilitated OPENLAB with Katye Koe, originally programmed for Friday 27 March is postponed to a date to be confirmed.)



OPENLAB is a model for professional self-development for performers devised by Antonio de la Fe. It hosts open sessions for anyone interested in a shared space for performance practice. In this way, OPENLAB could be understood as a co-working space for performers. At the same time, OPENLAB proposes a frame of work that revolves around a basic question: what does ‘to perform’ entail?

OPENLAB’s model is fluid: always changing, always open to dialogue within the group. OPENLAB sessions are developed by a constantly changing group of people. Any person can join the group at any time according to their personal needs and circumstances. Each member of the group may use these sessions the best way they suit them. Generally, the members of the group are artists interested in performance, movement, the body and in the actions the body can deploy as an artistic medium.

All sessions take place at Chisenhale Dance Space and are pay-what-you-can (recommended donation £7.

Sessions can be facilitated by any participant of OPENLAB and we are looking for proposals for facilitated sessions during Summer Terms 2020. If you’d like to facilitate one of these sessions in the future send an email to Antonio de la Fe: