Opportunity: Coffee Mornings

photograph of artists sitting around a table talking

We are excited that Coffee Mornings will be back at Chisenhale Dance this Autumn. After four years of facilitating these events, Hamish MacPherson will hand over the reins to Es Morgan, CDS Staff & Artist Member, from Summer 2019.

Coffee Mornings are a way in which dance/performance makers and doers can talk about the relationships between issues of production, public policy and the politics of the cultural industries and the artwork that they are making and doing.

Each Coffee morning has a different theme or conversation point, and is led by a different artist or group. The events are free and open to all artists. We sit around the kitchen table and eat and talk.  There have always been people there who know each other as well as those who don’t.


How to Take Part

Artist hosts needn’t already be associated with Chisenhale Dance, and we hope Coffee Mornings can be a context where artists feel comfortable to make first contact with Chisenhale Dance – both as an arts organisation and a community of artists.

Hosts are selected through a simple application process. Spring 2020 has been fully programmed and the open call for Autumn 2020 will go live in May. Please email Es Morgan: es@chisenhaledancespace.co.uk if you’d like to know more.



Coffee Mornings at Chisenhale Dance Space were initiated in 2010 by Gillie Kleiman, and taken over in 2015 by Hamish MacPherson, both independent dance artists and members of the artistic community around the organisation.

Recent Coffee Mornings have covered themes such as privilege, protest, post-work politics, peers & responsibility, future & fantasy, wants needs & aesthetics, and ‘talking the walk’.