Shouting Out Loud – Reconstructed 2014 by Gaby Agis


Friday 24th October, 7pm and 8.30pm
Tickets: £15/12 concessions

Book now on 020 8981 6617

Gaby Agis’s Shouting Out Loud, Reconstructed 2014, originally choreographed in 1984, is a dance performance for thirteen women set to a soundtrack by the iconic feminist punk band The Raincoats. Shouting Out Loud, Reconstructed 2014 will be performed this October for three London shows only – at University of Roehampton on the 22 October and at Chisenhale Dance Space on the 24 October 2014. The re-cast includes three generations of women and features some of the original dancers: Mary Prestidge, Jessica Loeb and Lucy Fawcett. Both performances at Chisenhale Dance Space will be followed with a live set by Ana Da Silva fromThe Raincoats.

‘The 1980s were a period of great social and political unrest. Thatcherism was in full swing. The miners’ strikes and the gay pride, anti-racist and feminist movements dominated the landscape. This provided the context and backdrop to artists’ lives. Again, we live in turbulent and uncertain times. By reconstructing Shouting Out Loud, I am interested in discovering to what degree art reflects the times that we live in.’
Gaby Agis, October 2014