A site specific performance by Wonderground


Two distant characters enter the public space…

Their appearance reminds of the Matrix films and their interest is to explore the new territory. Gradually, they discover a meaning for their existence. Primal expresion that’s hidden underneath the external layers.

Through a series of interactions with the audience and with each other, they address the question of what it is to be human and what is an authentic human expression.

RISE combines text, contemporary dance, acrobatics, butoh and ephemeral architecture to create a unique street spectacle that adapts and interacts with each location and audience it encounters.

Artistic Statement 

“RISE is an invitation to move beyond what we can experience alone to what we can experience together. By turning the public space into a ritual of transformation; ordinary appears as extraordinary and the distant as familiar.

Any square, any street, any little corner can unfold stories full of imagination, intimacy, wonder, hope and dance.”

– Roser Tutusaus and Tom Weksler

Click here for the Trailer